Monday, May 16, 2011

Is Medication the Answer to Depression?

Depression has a very severe impact on the mental and physical well being of an individual. There are many different causes of depression. This depression has an effect on the life of the friends and the family members of the individual suffering from this disorder.
There are many different types of depression. They are chronic depression, psychotic depression, postpartum depression, bipolar depression, major depression and atypical depression. Depression symptoms include overeating, suicidal thoughts, restlessness, fatigue, loss of energy, problems in concentrating, pains, irritability, feeling sad and lonely.
It is essential to treat depression as it a very serious one. In majority of the cases, depression can be treated. Basically, there are two types of treatments such as traditional and alternative treatment which is necessary for treating depression.
There are several sites which are offering information about depression, its symptoms and the methods of treatments used for treating depression. It will also inform you about the warning signs and causes of depression.
The traditional method which is generally used is medications. These medications should be taken in consultation with the doctor. Avoid making over the counter purchases of these medicines and consuming it as it may lead to severe consequences. These methods for treating depression result in severe side effects.
Besides these, there are some other traditional treatments which were used for treating depression including light therapy, interpersonal therapy, behavioral therapy insight-oriented therapy, and cognitive therapy.
However, many alternative therapies have also been used for treating depression. They are herbal remedies, yoga, meditation, hypnosis, massage therapy, biofeedback, acupuncture and guided imagery.
All these alternative methods are useful in treating depression. In order to get maximum benefits of the these alternative treatment, you have to also undertake some changes in the life style such as balanced diet, regular exercises and proper sleep.
They help you to relax and most of these treatments will help to cure depression without facing any side effects as in case of using medications. Medications cannot be suddenly stopped. These alternative treatments can be easily stopped.
The details mentioned above discusses about the medications and its effectiveness in treating depression. It also informs about the other treatments used for treating depression.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Depression in Women : The Shocking Truth

Depression is the most common illness which has affected a large number of women all over the world. Women are at a high risk of getting depressed than men. There are many reasons associated with women being more prone to depression than men. They include hormones, societal pressures, physically and mentally abused and emotionally sensitive. In majority of the cases, women are not aware that they suffer from depression and don’t opt for taking adequate treatment for it. The signs of depression in men and women are almost similar and the only difference is in case of women it happens more frequently and it is clearly visible. The different types of depression that are seen in women include maniac depression, postpartum depression and bipolar depression. There are some common physical symptoms of depression in women. They include:
  1. Weigh loss or weight gain
  2. Lethargic feeling or feeling of helplessness
  3. Eating and sleeping more than usually done
  4. Low energy
  5. Lack of appetite
  6. Morbid thoughts
  7. Lack of concentration
  8. Feeling of loneliness
Various studies have been conducted and it has been found that there is a complex relation between hormones and women. When these levels of hormones vary, it results in many changes such as fatigue, mood swings and irritability which are the common symptoms of depression. Many research studies have also been undertaken recently to find out the relation between depression in women and role of various psychological and physical problems. You can easily identify it if you keep a track of your mood before and during menstruation. This will help you to check whether you are suffering from this type of depression and adopt useful measures to heal it. Women face depression at least once in their lifetime. Some face it either during pregnancy or after it. Some others face it during the menopause as there is relationship between menopause and depression. There are many websites which are offering information about the depression in women, its causes, symptoms and effective methods for healing depression. You can consult a doctor or opt for a counseling session. Besides these, you can join a support group and discuss your problems with individuals facing the same problem. Adopt various methods for creating awareness about the depression in women and the need for its timely detection and treatment. The details mentioned above will provide you the information about depression in women, its symptoms and treatment.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

How to Stop Depression Naturally

There are many treatments available for depression. Majority of the people opt for consulting doctors for treating the depression. They prescribe anti-depressant drugs which in most cases worsen the situation than providing you relief from the situation.

You can opt for natural methods as it helps you to effectively deal with the symptoms of depression. However, before opting for natural treatment, it is necessary to consult your doctor about it. This will help you to ensure that this treatment won’t interfere in the way of other treatments or medications that you are already taking.
Here we provide you some important guidelines which will help you to stop depression naturally:

  • The most important aspect that you have considered is to take proper care of your body. For this you have to take into consideration some important aspects such as taking a balanced diet and regular exercise. It is extremely necessary to get adequate rest to the body which is possible only if you sleep properly and follow a regular schedule.
  • You should avoid taking caffeine and alcohol. If you are not taking adequate quantity of food, then you should opt for taking multi-vitamins regularly.
  • Another excellent option is to use different methods which will help you to control stress such as meditation, yoga and time management as stress can be cause of depression.
  • You can also opt for listening to music, socializing with your friends or participating in some sports activites. This will help you to come out of the state of being depressed and also changes your mood.
  • Apart from these, you can also opt for joining a support group in your local area. This support group will help you to discuss your problems with the individuals facing the same problem. There are two merits of joining a support group. They are finding a possible solution to the problem and the feeling that you are not the only individual facing the problem which in turn motivates you to come out of it.
  • Try to take all the negative thoughts out of your mind and develop a positive attitude towards life.
  • Herbal remedies are also available and can be opted for treating depression. Herbal supplements are also available which should be taken only in consultation with your doctor. They are very helpful in managing depression.
  • Teen depression also can be treated naturally by opting for methods such as herbal remedies, meditation, socializing with family members and friends. You should also opt for healthy life style practices such as regular exercise, mediation, proper sleep and balanced diet.
Thus, treating depression naturally is an excellent option. It doesn’t involve any severe side effects and assists you to come out of it.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What diet you should opt during depression?

Depression is a medical condition which stops a human being from leading a normal life. It affects the physical and mental health of a person. One of the important depression symptoms is weight loss and sleeplessness. So the diet during depression is a major concern which can improve the physical condition of the depressed person to some extent. It is rightly said that food and mood are related with each other. For a depressed man, proper diet plays a vital role in reducing the level of his depression.

Food to avoid: The depressed man should avoid sugar, sucrose, coffee, caffeine, milk or milk products, excess intake of junk food, processed food, cigarette, alcohol, meat, fish, and eggs

Food to eat: One of the major causes of depression is poor nutrition or mal-nutrition. So a healthy diet is very much necessary for the depressed person. He/she should take a diet that is rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, beta-carotene and proteins. Studies have revealed that during depression free radicals of the brain are damaged. So a depressed person should take food which is high in antioxidants as antioxidants reduce the destructive power of free radicals.

Vegetables and fruits, rich in carbohydrates are good for every human being. This is the same for the depressed persons. Minimum amount of Cholesterol and fat should be taken which depends on the physical condition and the behavior of the person.

Food which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids is very healthy for depressed persons. Chia, walnuts, fish oils are prescribed for this purpose.

Brown rice, wheat germ, potato, broccoli, peppers, whole grain oats, cabbage, blueberries, strawberries, margarine, tomatoes etc. should be taken regularly. All these are rich in vitamins which fight and reduce the effects of free radicals.

Soya beans and soy products, seeds, cereals, yogurt, peas, which are enriched in protein are very good diet. Protein food should be taken again and again which will help the depressed man to boost up his/ her energy level and thus refresh himself/ herself.

As depression is a medical condition, it can affect any individual- a child, a teenager, a youth or an adult. Doctors prescribe medical treatment and dietary changes that would improve the mental outlook of the depressed person. For example, antidepressants are prescribed for teen depression. But more than medicines, the depressed person needs love and care from the near and dear ones.

Treatment of depression in men

Depression is a serious disease which can be experienced by both men and women. Although women are more likely to suffer from depression, the number of men falling prey to this disease is also increasing. For example, a recent study has revealed that every year almost 6 million men in the United States of America are affected by depression or depressive disorder.

One of the main causes of depression in men is their concern about their position in the family and the society. In the modern age women have become more conscious about their self-esteem. The stepping of women outside their home is something which cannot be accepted by many men. So this is an important factor in male depression.

A depressed man can be a manager, a corporate executive, an engineer, a professor, a teenager etc. Depression can affect a man irrespective of his age and profession. Some of the prominent depression symptoms in men are:

Men feel inferior to the women regarding their social status and financial capabilities.
Men will face sleeping disorders like sleeplessness.
They will face some serious problems or illness like frustration, marital discords, sadness, anger, failures and agitation. In such circumstances, they will easily get affected. This will gradually lead him to the more serious illness called depression.
Many a time, a depressed man is aware of his disease but is not willing to visit the doctor. But this is not at all acceptable. Every depressed man should go for a medical checkup. Because depression is a mental condition and its recovery lies in medical treatment. First of all the man should change his lifestyle and his way of thinking. While in depression, men tend to look at things in a pessimistic way. So he should be given enough importance and made to think positively.

Some of the common depression treatment or treatments of depression in men are as follows:

One of the basic and essential treatments for depression is counseling. Visiting a counselor or a psychiatrist will definitely prove beneficial.
Antidepressants, a medicinal drug is very effective.
A healthy diet rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, beta-carotene is essential for a depressed man.
He should learn some skills like stress management skills, relationship skills etc.
He should avoid drinking and smoking.
He should always be guided and supported by his family members and close friends.

Visit for Treatment of depression in men

How Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects a person?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is the common childhood disorder. It continues through adolescence and adulthood. Depression symptoms are difficulty in controlling behavior, hyperactivity and staying focused on given activity or paying attention. Impulsivity, inattention and hyperactivity are the behaviors related to attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
It is normal for children to be hyperactive, impulsive and inattentive but for children with attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, these behaviors are severe and occur often.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is diagnosed as a psychiatric disorder in children affecting nearly about 3% to 5% children worldwide and diagnosed in 2 to 16 aged children. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder can affect some certain areas of brain, which allows planning ahead; understanding other’s actions, impulse control and problem solving. ADHD affects 5% to 15% of school aged children occurring frequently in boys as compared to girls. Depression persists into adulthood in several cases. Incapability to integrate in social academic settings is a pattern, which is seen in people with the history of ADHD. A person with ADHD in childhood can have academic problems because the condition affects the ability of a person to concentrate as well as focus on tasks, because they are not able to organize their work and their studies. Children with ADHD also try to distract other children.

People with ADHD are particularly sensitive to sensory stimuli like touch, visual cues and noise. They can be over stimulated with ease leading to changes in behavior, which includes aggressiveness. Several people think that ADHD and ADD are two different conditions. However; they are in fact two names for the similar condition. During pregnancy or after birth, some factors can damage the brain as well as alter its function. After birth the development of some infectious diseases, which affect brain tissue and the way brain sends signals contributes to the symptoms connected with ADHD.

Should one take antidepressants in depression?

Antidepressants are medicines used to help people come out of depression. Antidepressant drugs are not contented pills. They are not a panacea. They are prescription drugs, which come with advantages and risks. It must be taken only under supervision of a doctor. But, they are other depression treatment options available. Taking medications for depression is not a sign of weakness.

Many antidepressants work by slowing removal of some chemicals from brain. These chemicals are known as Neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and serotonin. Neurotransmitters are required for normal brain function and are involved in the mood control and other functions and responses like sleep, pain, thinking and eating.

Antidepressants help people with depression by making natural chemicals making available to brain. By restoring chemical balance of brain, antidepressants help to relieve the depression symptoms. Antidepressants drugs specially help to reduce extreme hopelessness, lack of interest in life and sadness, which are typical in people with depression. These drugs also used for the treatment of other conditions like premenstrual syndrome, eating disorders and chronic pain. Usually, antidepressants are taken for four to six months. It few cases, patients and their doctors decide that antidepressants are needed for a long time. If you have severe depression, which is interfering with your capability to function, medication is best for you.

For adults with depression, there is strong evidence that antidepressants are effective enough as compared to other treatment options. When depression is moderate, psychotherapy is sufficient. In this case, even short-term antidepressant drug treatment also helps people in getting to the point where they are able to engage in therapy and exercise. Antidepressants also used to for obsessive compulsive disorders, chronic pain, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and severe anxiety. Learning the facts about antidepressants as well as weighing the advantages against the risks helps you make an informed and personal decision about whether medication is right for you or not.